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I was originally against sharing my training routine with the general public, because I know that the aliens/lizards are watching us. When world War 3 begins, I don’t need my enemies knowing my strengths and weaknesses. But I am not afraid anymore. I am on a new level that cannot be accessed through wire tapping or mind control.

So if you want to prepare yourself to fight on the right side of WWIII, which will decide who claims the earth between aliens, lizards, zombies, demons, perverts, nazis, russians, hungarians, and USA… follow this daily routine:

Hippo’s Daily Exercises:

  1. 1000 pushups

  2. 1000 situps

  3. shadow boxing 30 minutes

  4. 100 katana or longsword swings

  5. 100 knife or ninja star throws

  6. 100 pistol quick draws and re-holster IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE THE SAFETY IS ON!!

  7. Army crawls 10x around the backyard or 100x around the living room

  8. baseball bat 500 swings or 50 hits to a tree

  9. 100 headbutts (can use a pillow to protect your main computer, YOUR BRAIN!) <-no longer considered safe

  10. Animalistic behavior practice 30 minutes. Improves ferocity.

  11. NEW: Rest for thirty minutes and rehydrate with electrolyte source of your choice.

all exercises should be performed for the noted amount or for ten minutes, which ever comes first.




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